Chakali Masala – चकली मसाला

Chakli Masala is a tangy snack maker which is served along with various beverages such as tea or coffee and special item for festivals like Diwali . Chakalis are made from the most excellent combination of spices, flour and oils which helps to add mouth watering taste. Owing to their low cholesterol and less fat content, these snacks are also preferred for a healthy diet. Abhyankar Chakalai Masala adds the special tangy taste to the Chakalis. 


दिवाळी फराळातला सगळ्य़ांचा आवडता पदार्थ म्हणजे चकली. एरवीही खमंग चकली खायला कुणाला आवडत नाही! उत्तम दर्जाची धान्य भाजून त्याच्या पीठापासून तयार केलेल्या चकल्या अतिशय पौष्टीक असतात. गृहिणींना चकली करणं किचकट वाटतं कारण त्यांच्या चकल्या हव्या तशा खमंग आणि चवदार होत नाहीत. पण अभ्यंकर यांचा चकली मसाला भाजणीत घालून खमंग खुशखुशीत चकल्या करणं आता अगदी सोपं आहे.


How to make chaklis

  1. Heat some oil/ghee in a pan until it reaches the smoking stage. Pour it over the Abhyankar Chakali bhajani and mix well.
  2. Add sesame seeds, ajwain, salt, turmeric powder, chili powder, and approx. 1 cup boiling water into the bhajani.
  3. Knead the flour to make a soft pliable dough. Put it in the chakli mould or kitchen press.
  4. Press out in circular motion to make chaklis of desired size (generally of 3 rotations).
  5. Heat enough oil in the pan. When oil is heated enough, turn the heat to medium to low and put chaklis in the pan. Avoid overfrying.
    Fry chaklis in small batches of 2 to 3. A well done chakli stops bubbling and starts going down in the oil.
    Once cool, store Chaklis in an airtight container.