Dhokla Pith- ढोकळा पीठ

Dhoklas are in constant demand in household. Not only elders, but kids also love Dhokla- in fact, it is their favorite finger food. Abhyankar instant dhokla mix makes your Dhokla amazingly delicious and can be enjoyed any time of the day – be it breakfast. Instant Dhokla is the most simple and easiest recipe that you will ever make using Abhyankar’s best quality Dhokla Mix.

ढोकळा हा लहानथोरांचा आवडता पदार्थ. मात्र डाळ तांदूळ भिजवा, वाटा, आंबवायला ठेवा हे काम कंटाळवाणं. अभ्यंकर झटपट ढोकळा मिक्स वापरुन मऊ, लुसलुशीत चवदार ढोकळे बनवणं आता अगदी सोपं. पाकीट कापा, पिठात पाणी मिसळा आणि कुकरमध्ये ढोकळा वाफवून घ्या. दिवसातल्या कोणत्याही वेळी आवडीचा पदार्थ खाण्याचा आनंद लुटा.

Cut the Packet, Mix the flour with measured water. Put the batter in the Pressure Cooker for 15 minutes. (do not put regulatory vent weight)
Let the Dhoklas cool. Cut in square pieces ,pour tempering on it and server with chutney or Tomato sauce.
For tempering:
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 3 split green chillies slit lengthwise
  • few curry leaves
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • few coriander leaves chopped